Thursday, March 27, 2008

etsy karma?

You reap what you sow, said Paul to the Galatians. And so it is in the world of etsy, apparently. Just after my first feature of etsy items (more to come, I promise), someone blogged about my etsy shop! Many thanks to Nicole Catroppo, also know as nicoleleeartistry, for her kindness. Check out her lovely feature (which includes some other fabulous artists and crafters, too) here. You'll find a special offer from my shop and from some others, so don't miss it!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sara! I hope it helps to create a fan base and drive business your way! I love your web site...I'll be back to visit!

DECA Candle and Bath said...

What a great feature.

Isn't it nice when things like that happen?

Etsy is full of wonderful people. I really enjoy chatting with everyone.